One on one consulting to help get you and your little to sleep

Bed Time Battles Keeping You Up At Night?

Find out how a sleep coach can improve your child's sleep. Subscribe and download our expert advice on finding the perfect coach.


I’m a Licensed Clinical Social Worker and a Certified Gentle Sleep Coach. I have been trained to holistically to look at your family’s entire circumstance in order to evaluate what methods and approaches would be best suited to solve your child’s sleep problems.

Isn’t it about time to get some sleep?


Sleep Workshop - September 28th

(0 -6 years old)

Basic Sleep Package for 1 Child

(4 months to 6 years)

Sleep Workshop Webinar

(0 - 6 years old)

I can not emphasize enough how amazing Linda’s services are. When I first contacted Linda I could not see a light at the end of this sleeplessness tunnel for my 12 month old and myself. I see such a difference in her temperament now that she is well rested everyday and is not chronically tired. I can also see such a difference in my self now that I’m not chronically tired. Sleep is such a huge struggle for so many families and Sleep Tight Consultants took away that stress and has made my whole family much happier!”

— Amber, mom of 12 month old daugther


Want to learn how I can help?